Chebakia - Traditional Moroccan Treats

Chebakia - Traditional Moroccan Treats 

Shebakia - Traditional Moroccan Treats
Chebakia - Traditional Moroccan Treats 

   To accompany the Harira on the ftour table during the month of Ramadan, CHEBAKIA is a pastry of Moroccan origin based on sesame and honey, flavored with cinnamon, anise and orange blossom ... A delicious to prepare in large quantities and with the family ... Chebakia can be kept very well in an airtight container for a month and even several months in the freezer.

Chebakia, an omnipresent delight on the Ramadan table:

As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, preparations by Moroccans are well underway to welcome, as it should be, this blessed month, in piety, devotion and attachment to traditions rooted in the history of an entire nation .

The markets and souks are always full. And for good reason: the preparations for this sacred month have a double symbolism for Moroccan housewives, one linked to their attachment to traditions, and the other, more particular, is felt as a witness and proof of their typical culinary know-how.

Making the necessary purchases is the first step to better prepare to welcome this sacred month. Then follows the purchase of the ingredients to prepare Ramadan cakes, including the famous chebakia, "sellou" and other dishes that garnish the table of the ftour.

What is the Moroccan Shabakia Mkherka?

Moroccan Chebakia Mkherka, this Moroccan honey pastry deliciously decorated with almonds, sesame seeds, flavored with anise, cinnamon, saffron, gum arabic and orange blossom, a refined and unbeatable cake just like briouates with almonds, Sellou, Zlabia, Baleh el sham, Kalb ellouz, Baklawa and other delicacies very famous for being in the spotlight on the table of the holy month of Ramadan! A caloric bomb but also rich in good nutrients which boosts after a long day of fasting during the month of Ramadhan, to taste with a good Moroccan Harira to counterbalance the acidity of the tomato contained in the soup it is a sweet mixture- salty which is just a delight!

Are you ready to prepare the Shabakia? let's go…

Shebakia - Traditional Moroccan Treats

To make dough, you need:

  • 500 grams of flour plus a little dust
  • 250 g almond flour
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast
  • a small  teaspoon of powdered sugar
  • 250 g finely ground sesame
  • ¼ cup white vinegar
  • 1 large egg
  • ¼ cup of orange blossom water
  • 80 ml olive oil
  • 80 ml of melted butter
  • Small teaspoon of star anise
  • Small teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Small teaspoon of turmeric
  • A bunch of saffron
  • a pinch of salt

To roast and soak the grill, you also need:

  • 800 g clear honey
  • 2 tablespoons orange blossom water
  • Fried oil
  • 250 g sesame seeds, roasted (sprinkle)

Prepare your dough:

  • mix the dry yeast and ½ teaspoon of sugar in 3 tablespoons of lukewarm water (using a fork), leave until everything becomes frothy (5 minutes)
  • put all the ingredients for the dough, including the now active yeast, in a large bowl and mix into a soft dough with your hands (add more flour if it is too sticky or more water if it is too dry)
  • knead the dough on a work surface sprinkled with flour until it becomes slightly elastic and smooth (about 8 minutes)
  • divide the dough into 5 equal parts, then place the pieces in a plastic bag or cover them with a damp cloth for 15 minutes
  • lightly flour the work surface again and roll a portion of your dough to a thickness of about 5 mm
  • using a fluted pastry socket, cut the dough into rectangles measuring approximately 7 x 5 cm and cut four slits (also spaced) on each rectangle.

However, you can, of course, fold the dough into any shape you like, it is traditionally folded into the shape of a rose. This can be a bit difficult, so it is important to handle the dough carefully so as not to damage it.

To fold the dough in pink:

  • Hold a rectangle of dough in one hand
  • Insert your index finger with the other hand through the slots
  • Pinch the corners of the rectangle closest to the tip of your index finger together
  • Gently remove your finger and at the same time push the pinched corners inside through the center
  • open the dough to form a rose, place your chebakia on a tray and cover (dry towel)
  • Repeat until the dough is used up.

Frying and soaking your Chebakia:

Shebakia - Traditional Moroccan Treats
Chebakia - Traditional Moroccan Treats 

once you have formed all your dough, heat your frying oil (about 4 cm deep) in a deep frying pan to reach 180 ° (medium heat, lower the heat as soon as the frying temperature is reached)

mix honey and orange blossom water in a large frying pan and heat (start over medium-high heat, reduce the heat once everything is foaming to prevent it from burning)

work in batches, gently place your chebakia in the frying oil and cook until golden brown (about 5 minutes, turning gently if necessary)

once cooked, use a skimmer to transfer the chebakia into the simmering honey, let soak until golden brown (about 6 minutes)

gently, transfer to a wire rack to cool (again, using a skimmer), sprinkle with the toasted sesame seeds and let cool before serving

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