Morocco is an ancient country rich in history, traditions, humanities, culture, religion, climate, geography, etc.. Each of those aspects of the country influences the style of Moroccans. Among the big variety of clothing in Morocco, we discover the djellaba and therefore the caftan, two refined clothes that evoke the luxurious clothing sort of the country.

If you rehearse the streets of any city in Morocco, you'll certainly see some men and ladies wearing long, loose hooded dresses over their normal clothes. This habit is named the djellaba. It covers the entire body except for the top, hands, and feet.

What is a Moroccan djellaba?


    The djellaba for ladies is different from that of men due to its style and purpose. Women wear a djellaba for various reasons. First of all, it's a really comfortable and aesthetic garment. Second, it's a modest piece of clothing to wear during a Muslim country. Some women accompany him by wearing a shawl around their neck or head. it's also worn during family visits during religious festivals.

Men wear djellaba only for special occasions, sometimes accompanied by the famous Moroccan red headdress (called fez or tarbouche) and yellow leather slippers (called babouches or belgha). The djellaba for ladies is more colorful compared thereto of men and nowadays, the djellabas became shorter and thinner. There are verses from the Koran which mention the djellaba as a garment to be worn by Muslim women. A djellaba is usually worn outside the house and there are djellabas for every day also as for special occasions.

The caftan indicates the Moroccan clothing which resembles the djellaba but without the hood. The origins of the caftan return to the Ottoman Empire. Indeed, it had been one of the best Ottoman clothes worn by the elite. Like other clothes, it's evolved over time.

In Morocco, women wear it for special occasions sort of a wedding. The caftan is that the basic clothing of the bride on her day. it's also worn under a takchita, which is another beautiful dress decorated on the front with traditional handmade buttons, wide sleeves and a thick belt worn round the waist. As against the djellaba, a caftan isn't worn outside the house.

As a foreigner in Morocco, you'll wear any sort of traditional Moroccan clothing. it's completely permissible and even much appreciated. In winter, a person can wear a wool djellaba over his clothes to stay him warm. And, if a lady has invited people to celebrate a vacation, she will place on a caftan to receive her guests.

The Moroccan Djellaba: The national costume over time and needles:

      The Djellaba, symbol of many patriotic values, an official costume of allegiance (La Baiâ), a certified habit of members of the government in parliament, worn for centuries by all the Monarchs of Morocco during religious festivals as well as official ceremonies, and always been and endures the representative dress of Moroccan women.

Difficult not to feel pride in front of the majestic beauty of our national costume, extraordinary heritage, which not only continues to exist but has been carried over time, to evolve and adapt to each era thanks to the passion and know-how of great Moroccan figures of stylistic creation.

As of the independence of our country in 1956, the Moroccan woman determined to take part in the construction of a Morocco rich in its Men and its culture.

The habit began its journey with a first aspect: dark color and wide-cut associated with a muslin veil on the face and a carefully pinned hood covering the hair then did not stop experiencing significant metamorphoses over the four recent decades, to find themselves today light years away from its pejorative image of "misery hide" or pure "clothing alienation".


The Djellaba has now reserved its place in the world of Haute Couture: a symbol of elegance carrying a wonderful message of the great scope of our cultural heritage.

Proud of its journey, the Moroccan Djellaba is in tune with the evolution of lifestyles and mentalities. Adopted in Hollywood by Elisabeth Taylor since the 80s, worn by Attar Hakim, Ilham Chahin and Nabila Oubeid as well as other emblematic figures in major events of Arab Cinema. Eh yes! It's been a long time since the Djellaba has tamed other horizons by taking off but our Moroccan stylists continue to keep their copyright, dream it and reshape it with finesse and beautiful breath of emancipation while preserving its authenticity by combining tradition and modernization.

Reinvented down to the smallest detail, cuts sometimes sober, sometimes rebellious, the Djellaba continues to assume its function and its ability to adapt to all occasions and still symbolizes the habit of "ouker: mourning" for the three days of a collection which follow the funeral in the Moroccan tradition.

Traveling with the wind, she does not deny her origins and draws all her materials from the small hands of Moroccan artisans, continuing to exercise their profession in the small shops that constitute the soul of the old medina: Laâkad, Sfifa, a weaving of the self and woolen fabrics, details of which only our artisans hold the secrets. Our heritage is a source of know-how that will never run out and whose value continues to grow. explorers of this magnificent deposit, who have reshaped the Djellaba to give it even more splendor and more openness, invite us to a journey through time, art and culture. Armed with their spirit of creativity and renovation, all of them deploy their senses to the triumph of the Djellaba.

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